Inuyasha - Kilala

SKYTOBER: 1.MANATEES マナティー 29/9/23 happy mid autumn festival! kumain ng mooncake ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ alstor, my new sky oc! they are a little weasel dude who likes to play songs for people in forest! they can swap between their regular and feral form updated izyoco references :) COMMISSION: danelloevee-sky COMMISSION: catofaurora COMMISSION: pikorulli COMMISSION: usuallyworried 13/9 is izel's birthday!! MY BABY!! <3 third days of sunlight related piece.. the background was supposed to be lighter but i fucked it up and didnt wanna go back and undo everything so i just stuck with it LOL second days of sunlight related piece! wanted to try some screen tone brushes here first days of sunlight related piece :-) he's so adorable here COMMISSION: Lumin for stonerkorok COMMISSION: Lumin for stonerkorok my babies :( wanted to make chibis of them for commission examples izel and yoco's ref! took me a while to finish it honestly. but it's worth it i've drawn izel dying so many times now it's like a sport to me i'm never finishing this LOL but i love them so much man old izel design here.. from when my friend and i first started exploring izel/yoco's relationship self indulgent piece because i'm in love with samekh (woops) izel and oca. wanted to try painting stuffs cute art of izel i made from when i got the crab whisperer cape even older designs of izel and yoco.. izel was just a baby here i drew samekh (valley elders) for sky's 4th anniversary! eden 2 eden 1 first time drawing izel and yoco together EVER.. izel was so little before hug pt2 hug pt1 MY FIRST SKY ART.. looking back on it now i'm not the biggest fan of it but it's a nice start. i don't mind it too much art fight attack for spunkzoid art fight attack for rainby art fight attack for lynher art fight attack for 000kice art fight attack for oleaspur art fight attack for horizoof calamity mod oc slime terraria oc creeper terraria oc teddy. shark oc. he's my baby. i love sharks